She Hi.
She Somewhere. What is hapiness?
He Happiness is an emotion.She What kind of emotion?
He Happiness, sadness, anger, things like that.
She But hapiness is what kind of emotion?
He Happiness is being in love.
She I don't like being in love.
He You don't like being single, or you don't like being alone? There's a difference.
She I don't like being alone but don't like being in love.
He Very good, now you feel good and you don't have to try, isn't that good!?
She No.
He So what do you do now? Are you looking for them?
She I don't know.
He How do you not know?
She I don't know I just wanna fit in somewhere.
He You just told me it is.
She I'm confused.
He See, your love to me is blinding.
She I don't love you I don't even love myself.
He Then do you love me?
She No.
He Why not?
She Because I don't wanna fall in love for no one.
He Want what?
She Be happy feel accepted for who I am and feel that someone cares about me.
He About what things?
She Everything.
He How long do you have?
She I don't know.
He What do you know?
She That I'm unhappy.
He That is a bit of a circular argument.
She No it's what I feel.